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Jacqueline King was born in Antigua, West Indies. She migrated to Montserrat at an early age, where she lived for about fifteen years before moving to the United States of America.

She is a Published Author, a wife, a mother, and grandmother, and resides in Florida with her husband, the Rev. Cedric King. A Cum Laude graduate in Paralegal Studies, a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, and a Masters in Christian Counseling, underscores her intellectual and academic pursuits. Jacqueline also holds certification in Crisis Management and Youth Counseling. She is a life-long learner who is always seeking the next opportunity.

Jacqueline served her local church for over 30 years as Youth Minister and Mentor. She has volunteered in her community as a Guardian ad Litem in Florida, with the Big Sister, Little Sister Program, with the Department of Youth Services, MA; the Boston Ten Point Coalition, and the New England Home for Little Wanderers. She currently works as a Flight Attendant and serves as mentor to her peers in the Employee Assistance Program.

Jacqueline will always tell you that she loves the Lord with all of herself and is passionate about ministering to youth and engaging in heart-to-heart conversations with women of all ages. Currently she sits on the Board of Directors for Chances International Ministries based in Gaithersburg Maryland.

In her spare time, she enjoys long walks, as well as gardening. Young ones gravitate to her and to her home and are immediately graced with the essence of her rich cultural and spiritual heritage. Her life-long desire is to serve in the Kingdom of God in whatever capacity he calls.


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